- Fishing opening days
- In 1st category: from 14 March to 11 October except for the common shadows (from 16 May to 11 October).
- In 2nd category: from 14 March to 11 October except for the common shadows (from 16 May to 31 December).
- Lake Paladru: fario trout, brook salmon, arctic char: from 8 February to 25 October inclusive.
In Chartreuse, we benefit from the privileged character of our geographical situation, straddling the two departments of Isère and Savoie. Indeed, they benefit from an extension of 3 weeks at the end of the season compared to other French departments subject to national regulations.
Clearly, the openings of trout fishing in France are applied in this way:
Opening of the fishing on the 2nd Saturday of March.
Closing of the fishing season on the 3rd Sunday of September.
But there is an extension for the French Alpine territories (including Isère and Savoie):
Closing of fishing on the 3rd Sunday following the 3rd Sunday of September
- Fishing opening hours
In fresh water, fishing can be practised from half an hour before sunrise to half an hour after sunset. Night fishing is therefore forbidden (except in certain places, such as in the Chartreuse, at Lac du Sauget).
- Daily quotas and legal catch sizes
See information on fishing sites and the daily quotas and catch sizes that are applied (they may differ from each other).
- Fishing reserves
- Dead Guiers Reserve at St Laurent du Pont (400m)
- Reserve of the Ruisseau de Morge at Miribel les Echelles ( 1200m)
- Guiers Vif reserve, from the downstream threshold of the rope factory to the upstream threshold located under the bridge of 18 June 1940.
- Fishing ethics
- It is forbidden to walk in the water on the section of the Guiers Mort downstream from the Saint Laurent du Pont reserve, until 30 April inclusive.
- Anglers may only fish with a line mounted on a rod fitted with no more than two hooks or no more than three artificial flies, except on specific routes.
- Diptera larvae are prohibited.
Furthermore, it is important to remember the management of the area’s heritage:
- no spilling of domestic trout to safeguard the quality of the water and of the local strain of fario trout known as “Mediterranean”. Reproduction is therefore only natural.
- the “no kill” routes of the AAPPMA estate of Saint Laurent du Pont
- the reduction of the daily quota to 2 trout / day / fisherman for a more sustainable and respectful management of salmonid populations.

Guiers Mort 12