Vigneron Savoie Chartreuse©Vigneron Savoie ChartreuseSale of local productsLe Safran De Chamechaude Ferme De Brevardiere©Le Safran De Chamechaude Ferme De BrevardiereGrocery and food shopsDefault Img©Default ImgHealth servicesDefault Img©Default ImgTaxis, garagesDefault Img©Default ImgHairdressers and aestheticiansRaidlight©RaidlightFashion and sport shopsDefault Img©Default ImgOther shopsDefault Img©Default ImgOther services
Corbelines2©Corbelines2|Laurence BatonAccommodationGîte, hotel, bed and breakfast, campsite, gîte d’étape…, find the ideal accommodation for your holidays in the Chartreuse: rates, photos, availability and online...Read moreRandonneuse Au Grand Som, Vue Sur Le Granier©Randonneuse Au Grand Som, Vue Sur Le GranierAll-inclusive staysWhether you come to the Chartreuse for the weekend or for all your holidays, there is always an ideal stay waiting for you here! Read moreRestaurant 009©Restaurant 009TasteTo take full advantage of the Chartreuse is to take the time to discover and savour all the products of its generous terroir. Around a good table, during a picnic, or to take...Read moreWifi Chartreuse©Wifi ChartreusePractical informationRead moreVilla ge d'Entremont le Vieux©Entremont le Vieux|Jean-Luc RIGAUXAdapted tourismThe Tourisme et Handicap label: for a stay in complete peace and freedom. Read more