Visit to permanent collections - free
Other temporary exhibitions - free
Admission to main temporary exhibition :
Full price €14
Reduced rate 7€* (upon presentation of proof) :
Large families (SNCF cards or family record book) / Alices, Savatou Isère cards / Comité Social de la Ville de Grenoble members / Museum Friends Societies / Grenoble City pass rate, Associations and partners / SEMITAG season ticket holders (on presentation of a valid season ticket) / Grenoble residents on presentation of proof of address less than 3 months old.
*Free, on presentation of proof of address:
Young people under 26; jobseekers; recipients of minimum social benefits (RSA, minimum old-age pension...); disabled persons and 1 accompanying person; veterans; asylum seekers; school groups accompanied by teachers; ICOM (International Council of Museums) cardholders; AICA (International Association of Art Critics) / press / COMEX; members of the Société des Amis du Musée de Grenoble (SAMG); artists on presentation of a Maison des Artistes card (Paris or Regions); partners authorized by agreement with the City of Grenoble.
*Free admission for all:
The 1st Sunday of each month and local or national events: Musées en fête, Nuit des musées, Nocturne des étudiants, Journées Européennes du Patrimoine, Journées d'Art Contemporain, Printemps du Livre within the museum.