Sustainable tourism
Our house was built in 2004 according to bioclimatic principles. Its orientation and openings are optimized, it is built with 100% natural materials (mainly wood, hemp wool, cork, ...) and is heated mainly by geothermal energy and additionally by a wood-burning stove and fluid inertia radiators depending on occupancy. We have 6 kWp of solar panels and 6 m3 of rainwater recovery. Finally, in terms of waste, sorting is organized into 3 garbage cans (grey, yellow and compostable) with a composter in the garden to empty the compostable part. The garden lawn is only partially mown to provide more resources for bees and birds.
Passionate about eco-building, I'd be delighted to talk more about it with you during your stay. We also have a group in Le Sappey called Sappey en transition which will be able to inform you.