The Cirque de St Même is located in the pretty little town of St Pierre d’Entremont, straddling the departments of Isère and Savoie. To get there, 3 routes that alone are worth the detour:
- Via the Col du Granier: ideal route if you are arriving from Chambéry. Once the Col du Granier crosses (stop at the Col to admire the view of Mont Blanc), descend into the Entremonts valley, cross the village of Entremont le Vieux, then at St Pierre d’Entremont, take the direction of the Cirque de St Even.

- Via the Pas du Frou: from the Guiers valley (St Laurent du Pont, Les Echelles, Entre Deux Guiers), take the direction of St Pierre d’Entremont. The road takes the Frou gorges (spectacular) to reach the village in about twenty minutes.

- Via the Col de Porte: to be preferred if you are arriving from Grenoble. After crossing the village of Sappey en Chartreuse, you will reach the Col de Porte, the starting point for many hikes, in particular to reach 3 mythical summits of Chartreuse (Chamechaude, the highest point; Charmant Som and Pinéa). You will then descend to the resort of St Pierre de Chartreuse (ski resort in winter, base camp for many nature activities in summer) then the Col du Cucheron which will descend to St Pierre d’Entremont.

Note: in the village of St Pierre d’Entremont, you will find all the shops to prepare a delicious picnic with local products: bakery, butcher, cheese shop, grocery store, … Take the opportunity to taste our local specialties!
So that your car trip is also a discovery, we suggest that you take a different route to go and return. Do not hesitate to make one or more stops in the places and villages crossed, you will not be disappointed!